Why Do People Start Side Hustles?

Is It For Passion Or For Money?
So, why do people choose to side hustle? Is it for the passion or is it for the money? An astonishing 40% of UK day workers are said to have side hustles according to The Independent. Even more astonishingly, 30% of people who work on their side hustle, they do it either on paid holiday or on their days off! Now, that is what we call commitment!
Choosing side Hustling can be for various reasons such as:
- Job insecurity – maybe thinking the full-time job you have now is not safe, looking to find income elsewhere.
- Test the waters in other industries – try something new!
- Wanting to earn a bit more money – whether that be to save up for your pension pot or to just treat yourself to a nice holiday.
- To have a creative outlet – finally trying out your hobby and earn from it.
- Start up a business service – could be freelancing?
- Flexibility – having a steady income and pay cheque whilst pursuing something else.
- Can take your time – able to learn and go on courses whilst working full-time.
I can’t think of anyone who just has one interest in life and that’s all they wanna do for the rest of their life.
Nicaila Mattheww Okome
What Do The Brits Think?
There are definitely many more reasons to why an individual wants to side hustle but more and more people are finding benefits to doing it. In the UK, 1 in 4 Brits have taken up side hustling.
The main reason being can be to earn more income, possibly due to lack of job security in their full-time employment and seek out starting a new business (two thirds of Brits who side hustle do it to earn more money). Another reason could be that they want to become self-employed eventually and run their own business.
Statistics show that people who have been in a full-time job in the long term tend to turn to side hustling to try out new industries or even have a create outlet, such as arts and crafts or becoming a social blogger. So, it is clear that it is becoming extremely popular to have a second job and dedicating more time to it on top of working a full-time job.
It Can Lead To Much More
Starting a side hustle could be a true realisation. It could start out as a hobby, something you enjoy doing in your spare time. Then, it becomes a part-time hustle, working on various projects and spending more of your time on it.
Eventually, you realise that you can create income from this and eventually becomes a job you want. Side hustle can ultimately become a job you want to have, whether that be continuing as part-time or quitting your existing job and going full-time. Risks are being taken but with side hustle, the risk is reduced because you have that extra security in terms of stead pay and allowing to work around your life schedules.
The creativity and ideas can be as open and varied as you want it to be.
Side Hustle Does Not Discriminate
Therefore, it does not matter if you choose to side hustle for your passion or to earn more money. Whatever the reason it may be, it will allow you to be creative, ability to multi-task and also be independently confident.
Side hustling does not discriminate, it does not matter what situation you may be in, in terms of your earnings, your status, age or qualifications. You can just start right away and see where this journey can take you.
Useful Resources
Side Hustle Grows-As Day Jobs Become Increasingly Insecure
How The UK Is Making Money On The Side
Millennials and money – What kind of side hustles are they doing?