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Contribute to Madhat Girls

We currently offer two types of writing opportunities.

Content Feature

We are accepting reader content submissions. It’s a great way to get your name in front of a community of women working within a variety of industries who are looking to go self-employed. You can submit an original article by completing the Content Submission Form and we will get back to you within 7 working days.

Weekly Contributors

We are also currently looking for ongoing contributors.  If you can use WordPress and can commit to writing one article per week that can help women succeed in business and is not self-promotional, complete the Contact Form and include “Weekly Contributor” in the Subject line.  Also, explain why you think you can add value to Madhat Girls and include links to your online clips, portfolio, blogs, etc.  

Note: this is not a paying role as the entire platform is run by our own pocket money. It does provide the author with additional online exposure and networking opportunities and we are able to offer free Madhat Club Membership for every month you write for us which is worth £299

Size Guidelines

All sizes are Asian sizes so please check measurements and disregard sizes. Most of the time it is 2 sizes up from US/EU sizes.

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